World Wetlands Day
02-02: February 2
International Polar Bear Day
02-27: February 27
International Day Of Action for Rivers
03-14: March 14
World Sparrow Day
03-20: March 20
World Planting Day
03-20: March 21
World Water Day
03-22: March 22
Earth Day
04-22: April 22
Arbor Day
04: Last Friday in April (each state also has its own observation based on best tree planting time)
Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare
04-29: April 29
Green Up Day
05: first Saturday of May in Vermont
International Migratory Bird Day
05-03: May 3
Greenery Day
05-04: May 4 in Japan (previously April 29)
International Day for Biological Diversity (World Biodiversity Day)
05-22: May 22
Europarc European day of parks
05-24: May 24
Bike-to-Work Day
05: Third Friday in May
World Environment Day
06-05: June 5
World Oceans Day
06-08: June 8
Global Wind Day
06-15: June 15
Garbage man day
06-17: June 17 in the United States
World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
06-17: June 17
World Population Day
07-11: July 11
International Tiger Day
07-29: July 29
World Elephant Day
08-12: August 12
International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
09-16: September 16
Clean Up the World
09-17 to 09-19: Weekend - September 16-18
World Water Monitoring Day
09-18: September 18
Zero Emissions Day
09-21: September 21
Car Free Day
09-22: September 22
Ecological Debt Day (Earth Overshoot Day)
09-23: September 23 in 2008, but receding
World Environmental Health Day
09-26: September 26 since 2011 (IFEH)
World Rivers Day
09: every last Sunday in September
World Habitat Day
10: first Monday in October
International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
10: second Wednesday in October
International Day of Climate Action
10-24: October 24
International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
11-06: November 6
America Recycles Day
11-15: November 15
World Soil Day
12-05: December 5
International Mountain Day
12-11: December 11
Ozone Action Day
at certain times during the summer months
Variable date